Performance and Accessibility Review of the Amy Klobuchar 2020 Campaign Website

This is one in a series of posts that will look at the performance and #a11y metrics of the websites for the currently declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Yeah, all of them! For more background on what I’m doing and how I’m doing it check read this.

Homepage of

Google Lighthouse

Lighthouse scores for

Performance: 87 out of 100

2 seconds to content paint isn’t bad at all. There is one png that could be optimized with a better format like webp.

Accessibility: 47 out of 100

There are quite a few problems that should be addressed.

  • The green text on blue background doesn’t provide enough contrast.
  • Several images contain no alt attribute to describe them.
  • Labels for form inputs contain nothing but an icon, so they remain unusable by people who use assistive technology.
  • Social links contain no descriptive text.
  • Tabbing through the page reveals there are very subtle, if any, :focus styles on interactive elements.

Best Practices: 79 out of 100

Like other candidate’s sites, this one suffers from the common problem of not using rel=”noopener” on links that may open in a new tab or window, which can be a security risk.

Quite an old version of jQuery is being served: 1.9.1

SEO: 100 out of 100

No issues.


  • HTTPS: yes
  • 40 Requests
  • 3.2 MB resources
  • Largest asset is a 597 KB png.


  • WordPress, Scotchpress theme.


Scotch Digital, the company behind the theme, puts this ridiculously long comment in the head of the document. This is the first bit of ASCII art or easter egg I’ve come across when viewing the code of a site. While they can be fun, I really don’t see the point of this massive amount of pointless HTML being served up, with no message whatsoever. Maybe it’s a code I’m just not smart enough to get. 🙄 That’s one problem with using an off the shelf design, you inherit all the bad code choices someone else made.

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::for AMERICA!::::::::::::::::::::::::t@@@@G;::if;:::::::::::::::::

    Site made with love by Scotch Digital.